7.13. SendMessageUDP

send_message_udp ‐ An action for sending a UDP message

7.13.1. Attributes

valueSTRINGNone (required)

7.13.2. Description

This action is used to send a message to a UDP client. The udp_remote_clients are defined in the configuration file (see udp_hosts node). The string value of the value attribute defines the label of the message that will be received by the target application. If the string contains parenthesized expressions, they are dynamically evaluated as numerical expressions and their values replace the expressions in the string.

7.13.3. Expected children


7.13.4. Expected target

The target must be a UDP client. If not target is provided, the first udp_remote_client in the udp_hosts element is the target client.

7.13.5. Example

The example below defines an action that sends a message labeled source 0 level 0 to the client spatializer

<send_message_udp value="source 0 level 0" />
<target type="single_host" value="spatializer" />