3.11. Log File

<log_file> ‐ The name of the file used for storing the names of the rendered files

3.11.1. Attributes


3.11.2. Description

This element defines the name of VC log file. The log file contains the strings that are output through the write_log_file command.

When an error is encountered during compiling, the error message and the lines of the XML program that precede the error are output to the console and stored into the log file.

The log file also stores the names of the Renderman, POVray, or bitmap files that are produced during rendering. These file names can be used to build a film from VC output by taking the names of the output files in the order in which they are produced.

The string value of the id attribute defines the file name. If this string is empty, the log file is the standard output (the console).

3.11.3. Expected content


3.11.4. Example

The example below defines Bercy-RIB.log as file name for the log file:

<log_file id="Bercy-RIB.log"/>