7.35. WriteFrame

write_frame ‐ An action for writing the framebuffer to a tiff file

7.35.1. Attributes

indexINTEGERNone (required)

7.35.2. Description

This action is used to save a framebuffer snapshot to a tiff file. The string value of the index attribute defines the rank of the window that will be saved. The identifier of the tiff file is frame.win_no.frame_no.tif, in which win_no is the window rank and frame_no is the frame number. If the value of the index attribute contains parenthesized expressions, they are dynamically evaluated.

7.35.3. Expected children


7.35.4. Expected target


7.35.5. Example

The example below defines an action that writes the frame buffer of the second window.

<write_frame  index="2" />