<transformation geometry="quaternion"> ‐ A quaternion transformation
This element defines a 3D quaternion.
The float values of the w, x, y, and z attributes define the four coordinates of the quaternion.
The value of the read-only attribute matrix is a 4x4 float matrix that represents the current curve transformation.
The following example is the interpolation between two rotations defined by quaternions (a rotation of 60° about (1,1,1) and a rotation of -45° about (1,-1,-1)). Interpolation of quaterions uses spherical linear interpolation SLERP. The shortest path for interpolation is chosen if and only if the attribute of the interpolation element is true.
<node id="transf_quat"> <interpolator id="transf_quat" type="transformation" size="2" > <schedule begin="10000" dur="1" mode="sinus" fill="freeze" ini="1" end="2" repeatCount="1" /> <transformation id="transf_quat_ini" geometry="quaternion" w="0.86603" x="0.28868" y="0.28868" z="0.28868" /> <transformation id="transf_quat_end" geometry="quaternion" w="0.92388" x="-0.22094" y="0.22094" z="0.22094" /> </interpolator>