<tabvertexfdp> ‐ A table of fdp vertices in a subdivision (a mesh)
This element defines a table of fdp vertices in a subdivision, a mesh made of a set of faces with normals and texture coordinates.
The integer value size of the size attribute defines the number of fdp vertices contained in the table. This element expects size fdp vertices in its scope.
The string value of the keypoint_mask_channel1 and keypoint_mask_channel2 attributes refer to keypoint masks associated with each channel: tables of booleans of the same size as the keypoint table (see GPU-based keypoint animation in the subdivision media-object). Only keypoints associated with a 1 value in the table are active for the animation for this channel. This facility is offered so that several channels can be simultaneously animated with a minimal set of keypoints for each channel.
The following elements must occur in tabvertex: as many fdp vertices as the value of the size attribute.
The example below defines a tabvertexfdp with two fdp vertices and two keypoint masks that refer to two tables attached to the subdivision node.
<tabvertexfdp size="2" keypoint_mask_channel1="lipsync_keypoint_mask" keypoint_mask_channel2="expression_keypoint_mask" > <vertex index="1" size="1">5 0.394502 0.690378 0 </vertex> <vertex index="2" size="3">5 0.318388 0.55718 0 7 0 -0.00536683 0 27 0 -0.179829 0 </vertex> </tabvertexfdp>