5.28. Joint (element)

<joint> ‐ A joint in a graph (a physical system)

5.28.1. Attributes

indexINTEGERNone (required)
iniINTEGERNone (required)
endINTEGERNone (required)

5.28.2. Description

This element defines an joint between two edges in a graph. The integer values of the ini and end attributes define the indices of the edges that are connected by this joint.

The float values of the period, strength, slope, and angleIni attributes define the characteristics of the angular spring represented by this joint. The strength resulting from an extension or a shortening of the joint to an angle angle is equal to sin(angle - angleIni - 90°) / period + 1.0 + slope × abs(angle - angleIni).

5.28.3. Expected child


5.28.4. Example

The example below defines the joint between edges 6 and 7. The circular spring modeled by this joint has a strength coefficient 1.0, a period 1.0, a slop 1.0 and an initial angle -60°.

<joint index="7" ini="6" end="7" period="1.0" 
                           strength="1.0" slope="1.0" 
                           angleIni="-60" />