<particle> ‐ A particle in a graph (a physical system)
This element defines an particle at the extremity of one or more edges in a graph.
The index attribute is required when the particle is the child element of tabparticle.
The float values of the x, y, and z define the initial location of the particle. The float values of the dx, dy, and dz define the initial speed of the particle.
The float value of the damp attribute defines the damping coefficient that generates a force opposite to the particle speed and proportional to this value.
The float value of the m attribute defines the mass represented by this particle. The sum of the strengths applied to this particle is equal to m×g, where g is the acceleration of the particle.
The boolean value of the updatable attribute sets whether the particle location must be updated according to the sum of the strength that are applied to it. Non updatable particles can be used to control manually the position of some of the particles in a graph.
The example below defines a particle initially located at (1,1,1) with an initial null speed. Its mass is 1.0.
<particle index="1" x="1.0" y="1.0" z="1.0" dx="0.0" dy="0.0" dz="0.0" m="1.0" damp="0.005" updatable="false"/>