<vertex> ‐ A bone weighted vertex in a subdivision (a mesh)
This element defines a bone weighted vertex in a subdivision (a mesh). Bone weighted vertices are used for skinning and define the weights of the bones in order to control the vertex displacements.
The index attribute defines the index of the controlled vertex vc in the tabvertexbone table. The k value of the size attribute defines the number of bones that control the vertex vc.
This element must contain k pairs of numbers. Each pair is made of one integer, the bone index ki, and one float, the weight wi of the corresponding bone. The displacement of vc is computed from the k transformations associated with each bone ki as follows:
k pairs of numbers made of 1 integer value (the keypoint index) and 1 float value (the w weights of the transformation).
The example below defines the 41st bone weighted vertex that is controlled by the 1st, 2nd, and 4th bones. Its transformation is the center of gravity of the vertices obtained by applying separately the three transformations of the 1st, 2nd, and 4th bones to the vertex.
<vertex index="41" size="3"> 1 0.3333 2 0.3333 4 0.3333 </vertex/>